Saturday, August 31, 2013

Menu Spotlight: Salade Johnny Manziel

Dear Friends,

In honor of Texas A&M University's Heisman-winning quarterback, Johnny Manziel, Table Bistro will offer, as a regular menu item, Salade Johnny Manziel:

Fresh field greens
Chopped Texas pecans
Pan-seared medallions of beef tenderloin (substitute veal tenderloin for $3 extra)
Piquant, soft cheese, such as feta (substitute bleu cheese crumbles, price TBD)
Honey-balsamic vinaigrette, fortified with essence of dandelion
Dash of fresh-ground black pepper

We hope that we will be able, simultaneously to honor this fine, spirited young athlete, and to satisfy your appetite with this entrée item. Bon appétit!


M. Beatty
Executive Chef

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Employment and Civic Stewardship

As retail consumers, patrons of Table Bistro have a right to expect that the money they pay to us for their meals will be used prudently, in a spirit of civic stewardship and responsibility. As employers, the owners and managers of Table Bistro have a duty to their staff and stakeholders to make the employment relationship one of reciprocal value.

We at Table Bistro have encountered and observed, throughout our foodservice career, a number of employment relationships, where one is left to wonder whether the wages and expectations are congruent with each other. It is, in a sense, bemusing to observe employers who imagine that they can reasonably demand maximum effort from their employees, but only offer minimum wages in exchange for that effort. Can one really expect to receive gold, if they are only willing to pay for copper?

This article from AOL Jobs, about the Boston-based Boloco burrito chain, illustrates the guiding principle to which we at Table Bistro intend to adhere in our relationships with our staff. We believe that paying premium wages to our personnel, whom we expect to provide the service that will make Table Bistro a destination dining experience, is not only just, but good business practice. Our guests will, not unreasonably, demand superior service and notable cuisine. If we in management are to commit ourselves credibly to satisfying that demand, we must be willing to commit the resources to justify our demand for maximum effort from our teammates, and to motivate them to satisfy our guests's demands.

At Table Bistro, you can expect impeccable, unpretentious service. Faithful to our commitment to social justice and civic responsibility, we will reward maximum effort with premium wages.

We look forward to welcoming you "chez nous" in the near future! Bon appétit!


M. Beatty
Executive Chef

Friday, August 23, 2013

Bienvenue dans Notre Maison!

Bienvenue, bonjour/bonsoir, mesdames et messieurs!

Welcome to Table Bistro in Bryan, Texas, serving wholesome, real food with impeccable, unpretentious service! We are glad that you have chosen to follow this blog, and we look forward to serving you "chez nous" in the near future.

We are a classic French bistro in east-central Texas's Brazos Valley, about 1.5 hours northwest of Houston. We offer standards from the classical French repertoire. There are a number of first-class restaurants serving "nouvelle" and "fusion" cuisine in our area; we wish them all the success that we hope to enjoy for ourselves, but we have neither the desire, nor the intention to compete head-to-head with them.

Rather, we aim to provide our guests (we hope that will include you!) with real food, wholesome food, food that is accessible - not merely decorative. We hope to provide food that our guests will consume with gusto, as it is familiar and comfortable. We feel that a dish should be instantly comprehensible, as soon as it is set upon the table. Time wasted trying to understand what the chef has concocted is time that could be better spent enjoying the concoction.

We are, at this time, a work in progress. We plan to launch a crowdsourced fundraising campaign on Indiegogo within the next week or two, and we hope (hope!) that we will be able to open our doors by the middle to latter part of November.

We hope that you will return soon, and often, for updates on our progress. Feel free to follow us on Twitter:  @tablebistrobcs for ongoing information about our project!

Bon appétit!


M. Beatty
Executive Chef